Discover Process

Built 100% Around You

While other financial planners may push their products and start with a pre-created plan before meeting with you, we always begin with your needs first.

We start with a blank piece of paper and no agendas. We listen to you, your current situation, obstacles and lifestyle dreams. It’s only then do we create your wealth plan.

Our unique four-step Discover Process


This first step is so important, because our financial solutions are tailor to your needs.

– You share your financial dreams.

– You tell us what matters most to you about money and life.

– You share your short- and long-term goals.

– You tell us what’s working well and not so well.

– We reveal the gaps in your situation that need attention.


Once we know what you want to achieve, we can personalise your financial roadmap. This helps us to:

–  Identify and improve your current wealth management activities.

–  Bridge any gaps that may be holding you back financially.

–  Give you a clear, step-by-step plan so you can confidently reach your goals.


It’s go time. Here we work closely with you to:

–  Implement new financial strategies that align with your goals.

–  Apply necessary changes to get you back on track.

–  Strive towards maximum gain with minimum risk and debt.


Too many financial advisers stop at Implement. However, we help you stay on track for life.  We’ll continuously review your plan to ensure you are on track to meet your financial goals.

–  Together, we agree on how often we should meet and check progress.

–  Anytime there’s a shift – job change, financial markets, tax laws – and we’ll review your current plan.

–  With your input, we we’ll constantly manage your risks.

Book a Financial Freedom consultation

Our no-obligation Financial Freedom consultation will help you discover how to achieve your short-
and long-term financial goals with our proven approach to wealth creation.