Self-Managed Super Funds

Discover why Australian's trust $900 billion of their assets to SMSF

Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF) are today’s best solution that provide you with:

More control
SMSFs give you a choice as to where your money is invested with few restrictions.

Maximum returns
The higher your returns makes your retirement more comfortable.

Less tax burdens 
The less you pay in taxes, the more you get to pocket.

Get control over your investments and taxes

There’s a reason why Self-Managed Super Funds now account for about 1/3 of total super savings in Australia. Not only do you gain control over your investments and taxes, you also benefit by:

– Investing directly with few restrictions.

– Borrowing to invest so you don’t tap your income.

– More choice in how you pay for and house your personal insurance, such as income protection and life insurance.

– Taking advantage of advanced strategies such as dividend imputation credits to pay little or no tax.

We make SMSF easy

SMSF can seem to be intimidating, complex to set up and manage. But this shouldn’t stop you from starting.

Our team are experts in setting up, managing, tracking and ensuring your super funds perform. We’ve helped hundreds of our clients to successfully leverage their SMSF to generate wealth faster than their original goals. And we can do the same for you.

Book a Financial Freedom consultation

Our no-obligation Financial Freedom consultation will help you discover how to achieve your short-
and long-term financial goals with our proven approach to wealth creation.